The HoS reports: McCarten said hospitality industry workers should be paid a minimum of $15 an hour and hotel workers get a cut of room-rate hikes. An. ... Rugby World Cup no one will notice Unite or the issue? unless the media are hell bent on focusing on it? which is I presume what McCarten wan'ts? publicity for him and his new Unite Union needing new members to feed from. Just socialist trough feeders peddling socialist crap to gain money from those who can least ...
Others are in sites designated as Sites of Biological Importance (SBI) such as: The Dungeon Pond; Raby Ponds; bBenty/b Heath Lane Ponds and Sandbrook Lane Pond. Ponds are also recognised by the Wirral Borough Council as essential for ... Council in the early 70's on a place I called the Field of which I will talk in more detail in a later post - and the other lost under houses only in the last couple of years by the Wrexham to Bidston Rail Line near the Holmlands bEstate/b. ...